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3 Ways to Increase the Speed of Your Pickleball Serve


Pickleball is a dynamic and fast-paced sport that requires a combination of skill, strategy, and athleticism. One of the most crucial aspects of the game is the serve, as it sets the tone for the point and can give you a significant advantage over your opponents. If you’re looking to enhance your pickleball serve and unleash a powerful shot, this article will provide you with effective 3 ways to increase the speed of your Pickleball serve and elevate your overall performance on the court.

1. Perfect Your Technique

1. Perfect Your Technique

Having the right technique is paramount when it comes to generating speed in your pickleball serve. By focusing on the following key elements, you can refine your technique and maximize the velocity of your serve:


The grip is the foundation of your serve. Ensure that you have a proper grip on the paddle, using the continental grip technique. In this grip, the base knuckle of your index finger is positioned on the third bevel of the paddle handle. This grip allows for maximum wrist snap and power, enabling you to generate greater speed on your serve.

Stance and Body Positioning

Your stance and body positioning play a crucial role in generating power and momentum for your serve. Maintain a balanced stance with your feet shoulder-width apart. Position your body sideways to the net, with your non-dominant shoulder facing the net. This sideways stance facilitates rotational power, allowing you to generate more force when striking the ball.

Backswing and Follow-Through

The backswing and follow-through are vital components of a powerful serve. During the backswing, bring the paddle back behind your dominant shoulder, keeping it parallel to the ground. As you swing forward, use your wrist to snap the paddle through the ball, unleashing the stored energy and maximizing the speed and power of your serve. Complete the motion with a full follow-through, extending your arm and paddle towards your target. A complete follow-through ensures that you transfer maximum power to the ball.

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2. Strengthen Your Core and Arm Muscles

2. Strengthen Your Core and Arm Muscles

Increasing the speed of your pickleball serve requires strength and power in your core and arm muscles. By incorporating targeted exercises into your training routine, you can develop the necessary strength and explosive power. Consider the following exercises:


Planks are a fundamental exercise for strengthening your core, which plays a pivotal role in generating power in your serve. Begin with a standard plank position, resting on your forearms and toes, and hold for 30-60 seconds. Gradually increase the duration as you build strength in your core muscles. Planks not only improve your stability but also enhance your ability to generate power from your core.

Medicine Ball Throws

Medicine ball throws are excellent for developing explosive power in your arms and shoulders, essential for a fast and forceful serve. Stand with your feet shoulder-width apart, hold a medicine ball in both hands, and explosively throw it forward, mimicking the motion of your serve. Repeat this exercise for multiple sets, gradually increasing the weight of the medicine ball as your strength improves. Medicine ball throws simulate the explosive power required for an aggressive serve, helping you develop the necessary muscle strength.

Resistance Band Exercises

Incorporating resistance band exercises into your training routine can target specific muscles involved in the serve. Attach a resistance band to a sturdy anchor point and perform exercises such as lateral raises, bicep curls, and tricep extensions. These exercises focus on both pulling and pushing movements, helping you build balanced strength in your arms and shoulders. The resistance provided by the bands adds an extra challenge to the exercises, promoting muscle growth and enhancing your serve speed.

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3. Practice Speed Drills

3. Practice Speed Drills

Regular practice is the key to improving the speed of your pickleball serve. By incorporating speed drills into your training sessions, you can develop the necessary muscle memory, coordination, and timing. Here are a few drills to incorporate into your training routine:

Rapid-Fire Serves

Set up a target on the opposite side of the net and practice serving rapidly, aiming for the target with each serve. Focus on generating speed and accuracy while maintaining proper technique. Challenge yourself to increase the speed as you progress. Rapid-fire serves enhance your reflexes, hand-eye coordination, and the ability to generate power consistently.

Interval Training

Create an interval training routine where you alternate between fast and slow serves. Begin with a few fast, powerful serves, followed by slower, controlled serves. This variation helps you develop both speed and control simultaneously. By alternating between different serve speeds, you train your muscles to adjust and execute serves effectively in various game situations.

Video Analysis

 Video Analysis

Record yourself performing your serves and carefully analyze the footage. Look for any areas where your technique can be improved or where you may be losing speed. Pay attention to your grip, stance, backswing, follow-through, and overall body mechanics. Analyze your footwork, paddle position, and timing as well. Based on your analysis, make necessary adjustments to your technique and continue practicing. Video analysis provides valuable insights into your serve mechanics and helps you identify areas for improvement.


By focusing on perfecting your technique, strengthening your core and arm muscles, and incorporating speed drills into your training, you can significantly increase the speed of your pickleball serve. However, it’s important to note that speed alone is not enough. Always prioritize accuracy alongside speed to ensure effective serves. With dedication, consistent practice, and the implementation of these strategies, you’ll be well on your way to dominating the pickleball court with your powerful and speedy serves. Embrace the journey, enjoy the process, and watch your serve transform into a formidable weapon.

The four basic serves you can use in pickleball are the underhand serve, topspin serve, slice serve, and lob serve. Each serve has its own characteristics and can be used strategically during a game.

To add power to your pickleball shots, you can focus on improving your technique, generating more racquet head speed, and building strength in your core and arm muscles. Perfecting your form, using your body’s rotation, and incorporating specific strength-building exercises can help increase the power of your shots.

To serve a hard pickleball serve, you can follow these steps: Start with a proper grip on the paddle, maintain a balanced stance with your feet shoulder-width apart, and position your body sideways to the net. During the backswing, bring the paddle back behind your dominant shoulder, keeping it parallel to the ground. As you swing forward, use your wrist to snap the paddle through the ball, maximizing the speed and power of your serve. Follow through with your swing, extending your arm and paddle towards your target. By employing proper technique and generating more power through your swing, you can deliver a hard and powerful serve in pickleball.

Dustin DeTorres

Dustin has been a Pickleball enthusiast for years and dedicated this blog to providing the best information out there about this fun game.

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