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30 to 40% Faster with This Pickleball Trick

Introduction And Faster Pickleball Tricks

Pickleball is a fast-paced and dynamic sport that requires quick reflexes, agility, and precise shot execution. If you’re looking to take your game to the next level and gain a significant speed advantage over your opponents, there is a faster pickleball trick that can help you achieve just that. In this article, we will explore this game-changing technique and how it can make you 30 to 40% faster on the pickleball court.

What is the Pickleball Trick?

What is the Pickleball Trick

The split-step is a game-changing pickleball trick that can give you a significant advantage on the court. Let’s delve deeper into this technique and understand how it can elevate your game.

The Importance of the Split-Step

The split-step is a fundamental movement technique that enhances your reactivity and agility during a pickleball match. By incorporating this trick into your gameplay, you gain the ability to react faster and move more efficiently, setting yourself up for better shot selection and improved court coverage.

The Science Behind the Split-Step

The split-step works by utilizing the principles of biomechanics and anticipatory reflexes. When you perform a quick hop or jump just before your opponent strikes the ball, you prime your body to respond instantly. This split-second pause in mid-air allows you to assess the incoming shot’s speed, trajectory, and spin, giving you a crucial advantage in deciding your next move.

Understanding the Split-Step

To fully grasp the mechanics of the split-step and incorporate it effectively into your pickleball game, let’s break it down into its key components.

Timing and Anticipation

Timing is crucial for executing the split-step accurately. You need to closely observe your opponent’s movements, focusing on their body positioning and paddle preparation. As they are about to strike the ball, initiate your split-step, ensuring that your jump coincides with their shot impact.

The Jump and Landing

The split-step involves a small hop or jump just before your opponent’s shot. As you leave the ground, spread your feet shoulder-width apart, preparing for quick movement in any direction. The landing should be balanced and ready, with your weight evenly distributed, allowing for seamless responsiveness to the incoming shot.

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Reacting and Moving

As soon as you land from the split-step, your body should be primed to react swiftly and move towards the ball. This technique gives you an extra burst of speed and agility, enabling you to cover the court effectively and respond with precision.

Incorporating the Split-Step into Your Game

To make the split-step an integral part of your pickleball game, follow these practical steps and practice diligently.

Start Slow and Focus on Timing

Begin by incorporating the split-step during practice sessions and friendly matches. Pay close attention to the timing, ensuring that your jump coincides with your opponent’s shot impact. With repetition, you will develop a natural rhythm.

Gradually Increase Speed and Intensity

As you become more comfortable with the split-step, progressively incorporate it into faster-paced games and competitive situations. Aim to seamlessly integrate it into your gameplay, making it second nature.

Visualize and Anticipate Shots

Train your mind to anticipate your opponent’s shots. Visualize their movements and practice reacting quickly with the split-step. This mental preparation will enhance your ability to read the game and position yourself optimally.

Seek Feedback and Refine Your Technique

Ask your pickleball partners or coach to observe your split-step technique and provide constructive feedback. They can help you identify areas for improvement and offer guidance on refining your split-step for maximum efficiency.

By consistently practicing and refining your split-step technique, you will witness a significant improvement in your speed, agility, and overall performance on the pickleball court. Embrace the split-step and watch your game reach new heights as you become more responsive and agile than ever before.

Benefits of the Split-Step

Incorporating the split-step into your pickleball game can provide you with a range of benefits, enhancing your overall performance on the court. Let’s delve deeper into the advantages of this technique.

Improved Reactiveness

One of the primary benefits of the split-step is improved reactiveness. By pausing momentarily in mid-air before your opponent hits the ball, you gain precious milliseconds to analyze their shot and adjust your positioning accordingly. This heightened awareness and ability to react faster allow you to move towards the ball more efficiently, putting you in an advantageous position to make the next shot.

Enhanced Agility

The split-step plays a significant role in maintaining a balanced and ready position on the pickleball court. It allows you to stay light on your feet, ready to explode in any direction. This enhanced agility enables you to quickly change directions, reach difficult shots, and cover the court with ease. By incorporating the split-step into your game, you’ll find yourself moving more smoothly and efficiently, making it harder for your opponents to catch you off guard.


Better Shot Selection

The split-step grants you additional time to read your opponent’s shot, leading to better shot selection. As you pause in mid-air, you have a brief moment to assess the direction, speed, and spin of the ball. This heightened awareness and anticipation allow you to make more accurate decisions regarding shot placement and strategy. By selecting the appropriate shot based on your opponent’s shot, you can maximize your chances of executing a successful play and gaining an advantage in the point.

Competitive Edge

By incorporating the split-step into your pickleball game, you gain a competitive edge over your opponents. The improved reactiveness, enhanced agility, and better shot selection that the split-step provides can significantly impact the outcome of each point. You’ll be able to reach shots that seemed out of reach before, anticipate your opponent’s moves, and dictate the pace of the game. Ultimately, this can give you a psychological advantage and make it challenging for your opponents to keep up with your speed and decision-making.

Incorporating the split-step into your pickleball game can elevate your performance by improving your reactiveness, enhancing your agility, and facilitating better shot selection. By practicing and mastering this technique, you’ll gain a competitive edge that can significantly impact the outcome of your matches. Embrace the split-step and experience the benefits of being faster and more agile on the pickleball court.

Incorporating the Split-Step into Your Game

To effectively incorporate the split-step into your pickleball game, follow these practical steps and practice diligently.

Timing is Key

Timing plays a crucial role in executing the split-step accurately. Watch your opponent’s movements closely, focusing on their body positioning and paddle preparation. As they are about to strike the ball, initiate your split-step. Developing a keen sense of timing will allow you to anticipate their shot and prepare yourself to react swiftly.

Jump and Land

Performing the split-step involves a small hop or jump just before your opponent’s shot. As you leave the ground, spread your feet shoulder-width apart, preparing for quick movement in any direction. This mid-air pause allows you to absorb the visual cues of your opponent’s shot and make split-second decisions on how to respond effectively. As you land, ensure that your weight is balanced and ready to move swiftly in any direction.

React and Move

As soon as you land from the split-step, your body should be primed to react swiftly and move towards the ball. Utilize the split-step’s benefits of improved reactiveness and enhanced agility. React to your opponent’s shot quickly, adjusting your positioning and preparing to make your own shot. The split-step provides you with an extra burst of speed and agility, allowing you to cover the court more effectively and be in a better position to execute your shots.

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Remember, practice is key when incorporating the split-step into your pickleball game. Initially, focus on timing your split-step correctly and gradually increase your speed and accuracy. With consistent practice, the split-step will become a natural part of your gameplay, giving you a distinct advantage in reactiveness, agility, and court coverage.

So, embrace the split-step and elevate your pickleball game by incorporating this game-changing technique. Watch as your speed and responsiveness on the court improve, enabling you to make more precise shots and outmaneuver your opponents.


Incorporating the split-step into your pickleball game can be a game-changer, significantly improving your speed, agility, and overall performance on the court. By mastering this technique, you gain the ability to react faster, maintain a balanced position, and make better shot selections. The split-step provides you with a competitive edge, allowing you to cover the court more efficiently and outmaneuver your opponents.

To effectively incorporate the split-step into your game, focus on timing, perform the jump and landing with precision, and react swiftly to your opponent’s shot. Practice diligently, gradually increasing your speed and accuracy. Seek feedback from partners or coaches to refine your technique and make the split-step a natural part of your gameplay.


To hit a pickleball fast, generate power through your body rotation and wrist snap. Use a compact swing, keep your paddle face slightly open, and strike the ball in the sweet spot. Practice timing and footwork to maximize your speed and acceleration.

A 4.0 pickleball player refers to an intermediate-level player who has developed a solid understanding of the game. They possess consistent shot execution, good court coverage, and an ability to anticipate opponents’ shots. A 4.0 player demonstrates a variety of shots, understands strategy, and can engage in competitive play.

To progress from a 3.5 to a 4.0 pickleball player, focus on improving your consistency, shot variety, and court awareness. Work on refining your technique, developing a wider range of shots, and honing your decision-making skills. Engage in regular practice, play with more skilled players, and seek feedback to address weaknesses and enhance your overall game.

  1. Position yourself: Move into the appropriate position for the shot, ensuring your feet are shoulder-width apart and weight is balanced.
  2. Grip the paddle correctly: Hold the paddle with a comfortable grip, maintaining a relaxed wrist and a firm but not overly tight hold.
  3. Prepare for the shot: Set your paddle early, keeping it at an appropriate height and angle.
  4. Watch the ball: Maintain focus on the ball as it approaches, tracking its speed, trajectory, and spin.
  5. Timing and footwork: Time your swing to meet the ball at the optimal point and use proper footwork to position yourself for the shot.
  6. Execute the shot: Employ proper technique, using a combination of arm and wrist motion to strike the ball cleanly and accurately.
  7. Follow-through: Complete your shot with a smooth follow-through, ensuring your paddle finishes the motion toward your target.

Dustin DeTorres

Dustin has been a Pickleball enthusiast for years and dedicated this blog to providing the best information out there about this fun game.