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How Many Calories Does Doubles Pickleball Burn?


Pickleball has rapidly gained popularity as a fun and engaging sport for people of all ages and fitness levels. Beyond its social and competitive aspects, many players are curious about the potential health and fitness benefits of pickleball. In this article, we will explore the calorie-burning potential of doubles pickleball and shed light on the physical exertion involved in this exciting sport.

The number of calories burned during doubles pickleball can vary depending on factors such as intensity, duration, and individual fitness levels. On average, playing doubles pickleball at a moderate intensity level for one hour can burn approximately 300-400 calories for individuals weighing around 160 pounds (72.5 kilograms). Playing at a higher intensity level can potentially increase the calorie burn to 400-500 calories per hour for the same weight range.

1. Understanding the Basics of Doubles Pickleball

Before delving into the calorie-burning aspect, it’s important to have a clear understanding of doubles pickleball. Doubles pickleball involves two teams, each consisting of two players, who compete against each other on a smaller court with modified tennis-like rules. The objective is to outmaneuver opponents, maintain rallies, and score points through strategic shots and effective teamwork.

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2. Factors Affecting Calorie Expenditure in Doubles Pickleball

The number of calories burned during any physical activity depends on various factors. In the context of doubles pickleball, the following elements contribute to the calorie expenditure:


The level of effort exerted during a pickleball match directly affects calorie burn. Factors such as shot speed, court movement, and overall game intensity play a role in determining the energy expended.


The duration of the game, including warm-up and breaks, impacts the total calorie expenditure. Longer matches naturally result in a higher number of calories burned.

Player Fitness Levels:

Individual fitness levels and playing styles can influence the intensity of the game. Players with higher fitness levels may engage in more vigorous movements and rallies, leading to increased calorie burn.

3. Calorie Estimates for Doubles Pickleball

While the exact number of calories burned during doubles pickleball can vary from person to person, we can estimate the approximate calorie expenditure based on available data. Keep in mind that these estimates are averages and individual results may differ:

Moderate Intensity:

Playing doubles pickleball at a moderate intensity level for one hour can burn approximately 300-400 calories for individuals weighing around 160 pounds (72.5 kilograms). Heavier individuals may burn slightly more calories, while lighter individuals may burn fewer.

Higher Intensity:

Playing doubles pickleball at a higher intensity level, characterized by faster-paced rallies and more vigorous movements, can potentially increase the calorie burn to 400-500 calories per hour for individuals weighing around 160 pounds (72.5 kilograms).

4. Health Benefits Beyond Calorie Burn:

While the calorie-burning aspect of doubles pickleball is noteworthy, it’s important to recognize the additional health benefits associated with regular participation in the sport. These benefits include:

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Cardiovascular Fitness:

Engaging in pickleball helps improve cardiovascular endurance, as the continuous movement and intermittent bursts of activity challenge the heart and lungs.

Muscular Strength and Endurance:

The dynamic nature of pickleball engages various muscle groups, including the legs, core, and upper body. Regular play can contribute to enhanced muscular strength and endurance.

Balance and Coordination:

Pickleball requires quick reactions, precise movements, and hand-eye coordination. Regular play can help improve balance and coordination skills, which are essential for overall physical function.

Mental Well-being:

The social and enjoyable nature of doubles pickleball fosters mental well-being and stress relief. The combination of physical activity and social interaction can have a positive impact on mood and mental health.


Doubles pickleball is not only a thrilling and social sport but also a great way to burn calories and improve overall fitness. While calorie burn estimates may vary, regular participation in doubles pickleball can contribute to cardiovascular health, muscular strength, balance, coordination, and mental well-being. So grab a paddle, find a partner, and enjoy the numerous physical and mental benefits that doubles pickleball has to offer!


Doubles pickleball is a sport played with two teams, each consisting of two players, who compete against each other on a smaller court with modified tennis-like rules. The objective is to outmaneuver opponents, maintain rallies, and score points through strategic shots and effective teamwork.

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Dustin DeTorres

Dustin has been a Pickleball enthusiast for years and dedicated this blog to providing the best information out there about this fun game.