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Advanced Pickleball Strategies: Mastering the Art of Returning a Pickleball Serve

As an avid pickleball player, I understand the importance of returning a serve effectively. It can be a challenge to return a serve, especially if your opponent has a powerful serve. However, with the right techniques and strategies, you can improve your chances of returning a serve successfully. In this article, I’ll be discussing some advanced strategies for returning a pickleball serve.

Step Forward

One of the most important things you can do when returning a serve is to step forward. This will help you get to the ball quickly and give you more time to prepare for your return shot. When you step forward, try to move your feet quickly and get in position as soon as possible.

Anticipate the Serve

Another crucial aspect of returning a serve is anticipation. Try to anticipate where your opponent will serve the ball based on their stance, body language, and previous serves. This will give you a better chance of being in the right position to return the serve.

Stay Low and Use Your Legs

When returning a serve, it’s important to stay low and use your legs. This will help you generate power and control on your return shot. Additionally, using your legs can help you get to the ball quickly and adjust your positioning as needed.

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Hit with Topspin

Another advanced technique for returning a serve is hitting with topspin. This can help you add some power and control to your return shot. When hitting with topspin, try to brush up on the ball to create spin and control.

Vary Your Return Shots

To keep your opponent off balance, try to vary your return shots. This can include hitting a soft dink shot, a hard drive shot, or a cross-court shot. By mixing up your shots, you can make it harder for your opponent to predict your returns and set up their own shots.


Returning a serve is a crucial aspect of pickleball that requires skill and strategy. By stepping forward, anticipating the serve, staying low, using your legs, hitting with topspin, and varying your shots, you can improve your chances of returning a serve successfully. Incorporate these advanced strategies into your game and take your pickleball skills to the next level.

Why Returning a Serve Effectively is Crucial in Pickleball

Returning a serve effectively is crucial in pickleball as it sets up the point and puts pressure on the opponent. If you can return the serve accurately and powerfully, you can gain control of the point, which can ultimately lead to winning the game. A good return can also help you anticipate your opponent’s next move and adjust your positioning accordingly.

Tips for Practicing Return Serves

One of the best ways to practice your return serves is to find a partner to play with. You can practice returning serves of different speeds and types, such as a lob serve or a drive serve. You can also use a ball machine to practice your returns, which can be particularly helpful for improving your reaction time. Additionally, you can focus on specific types of serves to help you better anticipate your opponent’s next move.

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Common Mistakes to Avoid

One of the most common mistakes that players make when returning a serve is standing too far back. This can make it difficult to reach the ball in time and return it effectively. Another mistake is failing to anticipate the serve, which can make it harder to adjust your positioning and return the ball accurately. Using the wrong technique is also a common mistake. For example, players may use their arm instead of their legs to generate power, which can result in a weak return.

Success Stories of Players Who Have Improved Their Return Serve

There are many success stories of players who have improved their return serve. Some players have won tournaments or improved their rankings, while others have simply become better players overall. For example, one player may have focused on improving their footwork and anticipation, while another player may have worked on hitting the ball with topspin.

The Mental Aspects of Returning a Serve

Returning a serve is not just about technique, it’s also about the mental aspects of the game. Staying focused and calm under pressure is crucial when returning a serve. Reading your opponent’s body language can also be helpful in anticipating their next move and adjusting your positioning accordingly.

Including Visuals

Visuals can be a great addition to an article on returning a serve. Adding images or videos can help readers better understand and visualize the techniques and strategies discussed in the article. For example, a video demonstrating how to hit a topspin return can be particularly helpful for readers who are visual learners.

final thoughts

Returning a serve effectively is a crucial aspect of pickleball that requires skill and practice. By following the tips provided in this article, players can improve their return serve and increase their chances of winning the game. Remember to focus on technique, avoid common mistakes, stay mentally focused, and practice regularly. With dedication and practice, you can become a better pickleball player and take your game to the next level.


Some advanced strategies for returning a pickleball serve include stepping forward, anticipating the serve, staying low and using your legs, hitting with topspin, and varying your return shots.

You can practice returning a serve by working with a partner, using a ball machine, or focusing on specific types of serves. Practicing regularly and incorporating these advanced strategies can help you improve your return serve.

Some common mistakes to avoid when returning a serve in pickleball include standing too far back, failing to anticipate the serve, using the wrong technique, and not staying low and using your legs. By focusing on these areas and avoiding common mistakes, you can improve your chances of returning a serve effectively.

Dustin DeTorres

Dustin has been a Pickleball enthusiast for years and dedicated this blog to providing the best information out there about this fun game.